Faculty | Emeriti | Adjuncts |
Post-Doctoral Researchers | Graduate Students | Staff |
Adjunct Faculty |
Email Address |
Research Interests | Position/Other |
Dr. Snir Attia | |||
Dr. Robert Balch | balch@prrc.lqqqhuanbao.com | Exploration Geophysics, Petroleum Geology | Director, Petroleum Resource Recovery Center |
Dr. Paul Bauer | bauer@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Structural Geology and Tectonics, Precambrian Geology | |
Dr. Nigel J.F. Blamey | nblamey@BrockU.CA | Fluid inclusion applications to geothermal systems, hydrothermal ore deposits, petroleum basins | |
Dr. Penelope Boston | |||
Mr. Ronald Broadhead | ron@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Petroleum Geology, Stratigraphy | |
Dr. Steven M. Cather | scather@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Clastic and Volcaniclastic Sedimentology, Basin Analysis, Regional Tectonics | |
Dr. Richard Chamberlin | richard@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Ignimbrite Calderas of Central New Mexico, Structure & Stratigraphy of Central Rio Grande Rift | |
Dr. Charles E. Chapin | cechapin2@comcast.net | Volcanology, Tectonics, Economic Geology | |
Dr. Denis Cohen | denis.cohen@gmail.com | Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Climatology | |
Dr. Catharine Conley | NASA | ||
Dr. Michelle Creech-Eakman | mce@kestrel.lqqqhuanbao.com | Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres and Associated Planetary Properties | |
Dr. Tom Dewers | tdewers@sandia.gov | Geomechanics | |
Dr. Nelia Dunbar | nelia@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Igneous Petrology, Volcanology, Trace Element Behavior in High‐ and Low‐Temperature Aqueous Systems, Microprobe Geochemical Analysis | |
Dr. Sam Fernald | afernald@nmsu.edu | Water quality hydrology | Interim Director, Water Resources Research Insitute |
Ms. Bonnie Frey | bfrey@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Geochemistry, Environmental Sampling and Monitoring | |
Dr. Marty Frisbee | mdfrisbee@purdue.edu | Groundwater-surface water interactions | |
Dr. Fraser Goff | candf@swcp.com | Volcanology, Geothermal Systems | |
Dr. Jesus Gomez-Velez | Hydrogeology | ||
Dr. John Hawley | hgeomatters@qwestoffice.net | Geomorphology, Quaternary Stratigraphy, Environmental Geology, Hydrogeology | |
Dr. Jason Heath | jeheath@sandia.gov | Geomechanics, Sedimentology | |
Dr. Matthew Heizler | matt@lqqqhuanbao.com | 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology | |
Dr. Kevin Hobbs | |||
Dr. Shane Ingate | singate@ees.lqqqhuanbao.com | Seismology | |
Dr. Shari A. Kelley | sakelley@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Fission‐Trace Thermochronology, Tectonics, Thermal Studies | |
Dr. Thomas L. Kieft | tkieft@lqqqhuanbao.com | Geomicrobiology of Soils and Subsurface Environments | |
Mr. Daniel Koning | dkoning@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Geologic mapping, Quaternary geology | |
Dr. Lewis A. Land | lland@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Cave and Karst Hydrology, Hydrogeology | |
Dr. William Leith | billleith555@gmail.com | Seismology, earthquake science, explosion seismology, induced and triggered earthquakes | USGS-retired |
Dr. Mairi Litherland | |||
Dr. David W. Love | davel@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Environmental Geology, Quaternary Geology, Sedimentology | |
Dr. Virgil Lueth | vwlueth@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Mineralogy, Economic Geology | |
Dr. Andrew Luhmann | Karst Hydrology | ||
Ms. Jamie Martin | jamieannmartin@hotmail.com | Plant ecology | |
Dr. Virginia T. McLemore | ginger@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Economic Geology | |
Dr. Artas Migdisov | |||
Dr. Chris Neuzil | USGS | ||
Dr. Talon Newton | talon@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | Hydrogeology | |
Dr. Adrian Oglesby | Adrian@LawoftheRiver.com | Water Law | |
Dr. Jack Oviatt | joviatt@ksu.edu | Quaternary Stratigraphy | |
Dr. John Rakovan | |||
Dr. David Reusch | dreusch@lqqqhuanbao.com | Meteorology, Climatology | |
Dr. Jake Ross | jake.ross@lqqqhuanbao.com | Geochronology, Geochemistry | |
Dr. Charlotte Rowe | char@lanl.gov | Seismology | |
Dr. Daniel B. Stephens | dan.stephens@dbstephens.com | Hydrogeology, Unsaturated Flow, Groundwater Flow Modeling | |
Dr. Elisabeth Stone | elisabethastone@gmail.com | Archeology | |
Dr. Vincent C. Tidwell | vctidwe@sandia.gov | Fluid Flow, Solute Transport, Media Heterogeneity, Laboratory Technologies, and Water Resources Management | |
Dr. Michael Timmons | mtimmons@nmbg.lqqqhuanbao.com | NM State Map Manager, Field Geology, Structural Geology and Tectonics | Director, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources |
Dr. Michael Underwood | UnderwoodM@missouri.edu | Sedimentology | |
Dr. Peter Vrolijk | pvrolijk@comcast.net | Petroleum Geology, Structural Geology | |
Dr. Robert Will | RWill@slb.com | Petroleum Geology, Carbon Sequestration | |
Dr. Matt Zimmerer | mjz1983@lqqqhuanbao.com | Geochronology, Geochemistry, Volcanology |